Current recovery rate from Devil Bug @ 95%. Even, I can breathe in the night. This is a significant improvement in personal well-being.
The concern of the musician is music;
the concern of the professional is business.
It struck me last night: the extent & amount of hands-on detail & pure stuff-stuff of the professional life that I process – me, myself, personally. This is not a novel insight, but it hit - how much this comes with a price tab. This is, also, not a novel insight, nor a new piece of information; but a reminder of how much we all accept what is less-than-acceptable once a course is set, determined & underway; and how difficult it is to unset, re-direct & change the direction of momentum. And even though relative professional autonomy & quasi self-management (within a context of business partner & advisors) has a price tab, so does management.
This morning: meetings with Mr. Joiner & Mr. Big Cheese the Builder. This afternoon: packing & stuff. This evening: practising. And a pleasant surprise: a telephone conversation with The Director of Slow Music.